6060 Silver Drive

6060 Silver Drive , Burnaby, AB V5H 2Y3

Ideally situated in the heart of this modern, pedestrian-friendly neighborhood, our Metrotown coworking space offers the perfect location for your team to thrive. Designed to drive productivity and engagement, this creative workspace features light-filled lounges, collaborative conference rooms, and sleek private offices. Streamline your daily commute thanks to parking, the Sky Train, and the metro at Patterson Station within walking distance; bike storage and showers are also available for cyclists. Home to upscale shops, a vibrant culinary scene, and beautiful green spaces in nearby Central Park and South Slope, Burnaby is an ideal locale to put down roots. Join WeWork at 6060 Silver Ave today.

Available Workspaces

Open Desk Coworking

starting at

Meeting Room

starting at

Private Office
Dedicated Desk

starting at

Full Floor Office

Want to reserve space at this property?

Reach out now for details on services and availability.



IT support




Bike storage

Cleaning services


Mother’s room


Pet friendly

Privacy booths



Game room

Wellness room

Hours of Operation

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 24/7

Getting Around

  • Walk Score ®

    98/100 Walker's Paradise
  • Transit Score ®

    87/100 Excellent Transit
  • Bike Score ®

    80/100 Very Bikeable
Powered by Walk Score ®


  • City Burnaby, AB
  • Neighborhood Maywood
  • Postal Code V5H 2Y3


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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does coworking space cost at WeWork 6060 Silver Drive?

You will find the price varies depending on what membership option you choose out of the ones that are currently available. At WeWork 6060 Silver Drive, the lowest priced available workspace is Meeting Room, which starts at $15/hour. Open Desk Coworking rates start at $25/day. The cost for Open Desk Coworking starts at $391/month.

What coworking memberships does WeWork 6060 Silver Drive offer?

Workspace and membership options currently available here include: Open Desk Coworking; Meeting Room; Private Office; Dedicated Desk and Full Floor Office. You can contact WeWork 6060 Silver Drive to find out more about occupant capacity, upcoming availabilities or other opportunities.

What amenities are available at WeWork 6060 Silver Drive?

Here, you will find some of the most appreciated coworking space amenities in the city, such as Cleaning services. What sets WeWork 6060 Silver Drive apart from most of the local coworking spaces is Kitchen and IT support. It is important to know what amenities are a must for you to be productive, as well as which amenities would be a “nice to have access to,” so that you can also be comfortable during your work time. Check the listing page for details on what this coworking space offers in terms of practical work needs, workspace types, services, and perks. For any additional information on amenities or regarding aspects like noise level, dress code, and community characteristics, contact the coworking community for more details, to book a test day membership, or set up a visit.

Is WeWork 6060 Silver Drive located in a good area?

WeWork 6060 Silver Drive is located at 6060 Silver Drive in the Maywood neighborhood , in zip code V5H 2Y3. The location description details on this page will give you an idea of what essential amenities you can find nearby, as well as how the location is rated in terms of walkability, bike-friendly infrastructure, or public transit. See how close you can find the nearest public transportation stop, whether there are parking facilities in the area, restaurants or other dining establishments, as well as hotels, motels, or other accommodation. If you are a working parent looking for coworking space with convenient access to childcare, you can also find more information on whether there are options in the area, as well as how far or near they are located.

If you are driving here, you should know the property does have parking as a common area amenity.


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