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9 Surprising Reasons Why Commercial Real Estate Agents Fail

Commercial real estate is a tough business and research reveals half of all agents will leave the sector in the first three years. Some brokers even report a failure rate as high as 90%.

The reasons behind such reported failings are diverse but here are a handful of common mistakes made by many CRE agents:

1. Ignoring prospecting

Prospecting can feel like an odious task. However, one of the biggest mistakes an agent can make is to avoid it altogether. The hard truth is that a failure to prospect will ultimately lead to a failure to bring in any new business.

A clear prospecting strategy will help to improve your technique. By thoroughly researching your prospect’s region and industry, you will demonstrate real value to them in the form of market intelligence. This will help you to establish credibility, streamline your pitch and build confidence. Some professionals also use a cold call script, for example.

2. Forgetting to follow up

The chances of making a sale from a single cold call are remote. After all, you’re trying to convince someone to make a high-value commercial property purchase and, as a result, you need to build up a certain level of trust.

To achieve this, it is extremely important for commercial real estate agents to follow up with prospective clients with a call or meeting at a set time and date.

3. Lacking tech skills

A systematic and organized approach is needed to manage both your existing client relationships and your prospects. There are a range of Client Relationship Management (CRM) tools available that can help to streamline and automate your lead generation and client relationship processes. For example, with the Yardi CRM, you can find your client information, automate your cold call processes and analyze your business metrics using the system.

4. Not sweating the small stuff

To ensure your property listings stand out, you need to include high-resolution photos and detailed descriptions.

CommercialCafe lets you easily import your property information and photos to create free listings, for example. It also incorporates CRM functionality where you can capture and track qualified leads and create marketing campaigns.

5. Losing confidence

It can be difficult to stay positive in the CRE industry. But, whether you lose a client to another agent or fail to close a deal, don’t let such knocks destroy your confidence.

Resilience is a key character trait of many successful CRE agents. Instead of focusing on a failed deal, focus on the deals that have gone through and the clients whose business you benefit from.

6. Failing to see beyond the competition

Investing in supportive business relationships with other CRE agents will help you to succeed as your colleagues and contemporaries can be excellent sources of expertise and guidance.

You can build your network in the CRE industry by attending local events and training programs and by reaching out to other brokers on online platforms.

7. Not working with a mentor

If brokers align themselves with a seasoned professional, they will benefit from the industry knowledge and contacts that a good mentor brings to the table. Try to find a mentor who works in your niche and has influence in this area.

A mentor relationship can be a valuable asset no matter how experienced you are in the CRE business. For example, Donald Bren is the richest real-estate developer in the U.S. with a net worth of more than $16 billion, yet he has a mentor in the form of Ray Watson, who ran Irvine Co. before Bren, according to reports.

8. A lack of investment in training

Whether you’re a seasoned CRE professional or just starting out, training programs can help you understand the current market trends and keep up-to-date with any industry changes.

Investing in yourself will have a knock-on effect as it will help you become an expert in your chosen field. As a result, clients will come to rely on you as a credible source of information in the CRE space.

9. Focusing on short-term struggles

The unpredictable nature of the CRE industry can make it a difficult sector to work in. It’s not uncommon for agents to work on commercial real estate deals for months, even years, before making a commission. As such, it’s important to stay focused and understand you’re in for the long haul. Don’t give up if the going gets tough.

In conclusion

These common pitfalls can stop potential commercial real estate agents from excelling in their field. However, by taking a tenacious and proactive approach to your career in the CRE space, you’ll stand the best chance of success and rise above the competition.

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