Stanly County Demographics


  • Total Population70,357
  • Male Population(50.8 %) 35,731
  • Female Population(49.2 %) 34,626
  • Median Age42.00
There are currently 70,357 people living in Stanly County. Out of the total population number, 35,731 are men and 34,626 are women. The median age for Stanly County dwellers is 42.00.


  • White Collar21,773
  • Blue Collar10,391
There are currently 21,773 white-collar jobs and 10,391 blue-collar jobs in Stanly County.


  • Total Households26,601
  • Family Households18,692
  • Non-family Households7,909
  • Households With Children7,873
  • Households Without Children18,728
  • Average People Per Household2.50
There are currently 26,601 households in Stanly County. Out of this total, 18,692 are family households, 7,909 are non-family households, 7,873 are households with children and 18,728 are households without children. The average number of people per household in Stanly County is 2.50.

Education(Number of people who have achieved the following levels of education)

  • No High School2,286
  • Some High School23,475
  • Some College17,523
  • Associate Degree6,700
  • Bachelors Degree7,038
  • Graduate Degree2,772
There are 2,286 people living in Stanly County without a high school degree, 23,475 people with some high school degree and 17,523 people with a college degree. 6,700 people have an associate degree, 7,038 hold a bachelor’s degree, while 2,772 boast a graduate degree.

Marital Status(Number of people who have the following marital status)

  • Never Married16,359
  • Married31,887
  • Separated1,037
  • Widowed4,108
  • Divorced6,027
16,359 of the people living in Stanly County have never been married, while 31,887 are married and 1,037 are separated. A total of 4,108 people are widowed and 6,027 people are divorced.


  • Average Household Income$73,585
  • Median Household Income$62,622
  • Median Income Under 25$65,714
  • Median Income 25-44$75,313
  • Median Income 45-64$70,375
  • Median Income Over 65$45,368

The average household income for people living in Stanly County is $73,585, while the median household income is $62,622. The median income in Stanly County is $65,714 for those under 25, $75,313 for those aged 25 to 44, $70,375 for those aged 45 to 64, and $45,368 for those over the age of 65.


Demographic information is extracted from the Unites States Census Bureau and is deemed reliable, however, CommercialCafe can offer no guarantee of the accuracy or completeness of information modified or aggregated for specific neighborhoods.