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5 Key Steps to Close More Real Estate Deals Today

Every real estate agent has to master the art of sealing the deal. This is no easy task, but without any real estate deals to your name, you won’t survive long in the industry.

There are a lot of different challenges to overcome. Every potential sale needs careful handling and a willingness to go the extra mile. There are plenty of tools to help you, but here are our top tips to help you close your real estate deals with minimum fuss:

Choose Your Investments Wisely

Before you start to work in the real estate industry, you need to know where you want to invest. You could target a specific area or town, or you may want to specialize in a particular type of real estate. Once you get a good grasp of your area, you can quickly assess the marketplace to make quick and clever offers going forward.

This is a really important step because you need to be able to explain how your property adds value to your clients. It will also help you give a more confident and informed sales pitch. In short, do your research and align future investments with existing ones.

Understand Your Client

Why is your client interested in this property? Do they want a specific solution to a problem they are facing? Or a certain style of property? Are they working to a deadline? First, try to uncover the reasons why a client may want your property and use this information to your advantage.

If your client has a deadline, it’s vital to deliver on time and follow through on any commitments you may make. This may sound like common sense but it’s easy to lose sight of deadlines during the sales process. But, if you do, you could lose business and your reputation.

You also need to sell at the right level. You don’t want to bombard your client with information but you also don’t want to gloss over the important deal-breaking details. So, treat them like you would want to be treated – in a direct, personable, and straightforward manner.


Listen carefully to what your clients are saying. You don’t want to waste time where interests do not match and there is nothing to be gained. By listening and asking plenty of questions, you can increase your knowledge of their specific search requirements and you’ll also build a rapport with the client.

For example, try to understand how decisions are made by the client or the company they are working for. This will help you close the deal once you understand who is involved in the decision-making process and how it works.

Be Confident

If your client is floundering over a decision, restate the value of your solution. Remind them of the value at every available opportunity and of the financial impact it could have for them and their business.

Make sure you do this in a reassuring (and not overbearing) way. Don’t just push concerns to the side, address them with your client. If a problem is insurmountable, move on and find another potential solution from your portfolio. 

Encouragement and problem-solving are key attributes when closing real estate deals. Also, note any lessons learned for next time. You may also want to find an incentive to push them closer to the right decision. 

You could also prepare a script to help you sell with confidence. However, it’s important not to come across as phony or you’ll lose trust with your client. So, base your sales tactics on your own personality and strengths – and don’t just learn a sale patter verbatim.

Prep Your Contract

Preparation is vital to push your deal across the line. If your client makes a decision and you don’t have the paperwork in order, what do you think will happen? Make sure you have a clean contract with all the details clearly laid out so they know exactly what they are paying for.

Real estate is a difficult game, but a rewarding one. So, remember to be patient, persistent, and prepared for the road ahead to make sure you close more real estate deals in the years ahead.

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