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5 Upcoming Online CRE Conferences & Webinars to Attend

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In the midst a pandemic that is altering the way we live, everyone is trying to adapt their lifestyle and business to the new norm. But what will happen when the worst is over? How will a two-month lockdown affect the economy, the way we live and the way we do business? Can we predict how COVID-19 will influence the world of commercial real estate?

Leading industry professionals have been asking these questions, and they’re eager to share their knowledge and predictions in various events that you can tune into from the comfort of your home. Don’t miss these insightful online conferences.

1.     Yardi Matrix May Update: COVID-19’s Impact on Commercial Real Estate

Yardi Matrix has already hosted several informative webinars tackling some of the most pressing issues influencing the real estate market. Its next presentation on May 13 is a follow-up to the April 2 webinar. The upcoming event aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the way CRE will be affected by COVID-19.

A few of Yardi’s top specialists will come together for an hour-long Q&A session to discuss issues like:

  • responses to the pandemic in the investment area
  • tech tools that can help with social distancing
  • rent, vacancy, availability and new supply trends by asset type in the national and regional markets

The experts will also highlight how the pandemic is influencing financial markets, as well as future prospects, economic indicators, and government monetary and fiscal policy actions (including updates on the CARES Act and efforts to stabilize small businesses).

2.      ULI Spring Sessions

The Urban Land Institute (ULI) has put together an all-encompassing, six-week spring webinar series to tackle various subject matters concerning the future of the real estate industry. Global leaders from the industry will share their knowledge during 15 different online courses between May 11 and June 19.

The entire series is available for purchase in bulk or by individual seminar. Topics range from the importance of location in retail’s great transformation to assessing the resilience of various U.S. markets.

3.     Bisnow Events

Bisnow Events is an industry leader in informative webinars. The team offers a wide range of online commercial real estate events that tackle a variety of topics to offer a comprehensive overview of current market conditions, as well as potential changes. Issues to be discussed in future seminars include:

  • the role of technology in shaping the real estate industry of the future
  • guidance in conducting deals from home
  • how CEOs can deal with COVID-19
  • how the coronavirus might transform office space

What’s more, other seminars will feature location-specific issues, such as the state of the Bronx under the effect of the pandemic, as well as the future of investment, design and development in the Bay Area.

4.     The Real Deal Talks

The Real Deal Talks Live is a weekly webinar series that features some of the most influential people within the industry coming together in the virtual sphere to examine current industry trends. The webinars will present thematic subjects, such as the state of boutiques and how bespoke agencies are handling challenges during the crisis, as well as location-specific ones, like the one on how top L.A. dealmakers are reacting to the pandemic.

If you’re looking for a more general overview of the real estate market, then you should look into the seminars presenting how top brokers are creating a new retail landscape, how industry advocates are pushing policy forward and how top office dealmakers are getting business.

5.     NREI: How Past Recessions Can Inform Current Decision-Making

The National Real Estate Investor (NREI) is set to host a compelling online course on May 13 about how past recessions can inform current decision-making.

While this seminar will discuss matters from an economic standpoint, it can definitely help you in planning your CRE strategy for the near future. The online event is a follow-up from a January webinar that covered cyclical markets. Now, industry experts from Reonomy, Marcus & Millichap and Forbes will address the asset types and markets that are most at risk in the current situation. They’ll also discuss how this economic recession mimics those of the past and offer tips for navigating deal flow during a market downturn, as well as predictions for the future.

These months of social distancing are a good opportunity to build a long-term strategy for when the situation returns to normal. Attend these online CRE conferences and webinars to stay informed and get new ideas about how to traverse this unique challenge.

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