
1000 North West Street Suite 1200, Wilmington, DE 19801

Build your business presence fast, with an instant professional company address and the virtual office services you need. Choose from thousands of locations to position your business wherever you need to be. Stay ahead of the curve. Join the Fortune 500 neighbourhood with an office in Wilmington’s Brandywine Building. This impressive curved skyscraper is a local landmark sure to impress your guests. Working at the heart of the ‘Corporate Capital of the World’, you’re well placed to do business with the best. From co-working to team working there’s a space for your next collaboration. When the working day ends, take your team on a well-earned visit to top restaurants, or the Grand Opera House, all right just on your doorstep. Regus Virtual Office includes: • Options ranging from local business address to telephone numbers and workspace access • Professional receptionists to greet guests • 24/7 customer support • Regular networking and community events • Mail forwarding on daily, weekly or ad hoc basis • Choice of regional or national phone number • Professional call answering service • Administrative support • Access to office or coworking space as and when needed • Pricing starts at 255 All images shown in this listing belong to our locations but may not correspond to this specific centre. Enquire now.

Available Workspaces

Private Office

sqft range

86 To 1292

starting at

Dedicated Desk

sqft range

108 To 328

starting at

Day Office

sqft range

86 To 108

starting at

Virtual Office

starting at

Open Workspace

starting at


Want to reserve space at this property?

Reach out now for details on services and availability.



24/7 security

Business address

Money-back guarantee

Utilities included


Access to global network


Office furniture


Cleaning services

Mail services

Receptionist/Secretarial services


Business lounge

Lounge area


Ergonomic furniture

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Getting Around

  • Walk Score ®

    94/100 Walker's Paradise
  • Transit Score ®

    60/100 Good Transit
  • Bike Score ®

    60/100 Bikeable
Powered by Walk Score ®


  • City Wilmington, DE
  • Zip Code 19801


How would you rate this office space?

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does coworking space cost at Regus Downtown?

You will find the price varies depending on what membership option you choose out of the ones that are currently available. The cost for Open Workspace starts at $119/month.

What coworking memberships does Regus Downtown offer?

Workspace and membership options currently available here include: Private Office; Dedicated Desk; Day Office; Virtual Office and Open Workspace. You can contact Regus Downtown to find out more about occupant capacity, upcoming availabilities or other opportunities.

What amenities are available at Regus Downtown?

Here, you will find some of the most appreciated coworking space amenities in the city, such as Receptionist/Secretarial services. It is important to know what amenities are a must for you to be productive, as well as which amenities would be a “nice to have access to,” so that you can also be comfortable during your work time. Check the listing page for details on what this coworking space offers in terms of practical work needs, workspace types, services, and perks. For any additional information on amenities or regarding aspects like noise level, dress code, and community characteristics, contact the coworking community for more details, to book a test day membership, or set up a visit.

Is Regus Downtown located in a good area?

Regus Downtown is located at 1000 North West Street in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, in zip code 19801. The location description details on this page will give you an idea of what essential amenities you can find nearby, as well as how the location is rated in terms of walkability, bike-friendly infrastructure, or public transit. See how close you can find the nearest public transportation stop, whether there are parking facilities in the area, restaurants or other dining establishments, as well as hotels, motels, or other accommodation. If you are a working parent looking for coworking space with convenient access to childcare, you can also find more information on whether there are options in the area, as well as how far or near they are located.

If you are driving here, you should know the property does have parking as a common area amenity.


