
110 North 2nd Street, Pulaski, TN 38478

MakeShift at the Chamber aspires to provide remote workers and entrepreneurs with a space to work, train, develop and be creative in order to make a positive impact on our rural community. In order to provide residents and transient workers a productive, professional environment, we are creating a space with shared office amenities that easily meets their needs. Makeshift, our community’s first coworking space, which is located in downtown Pulaski at 110 North Second Street provides Pulaski/Giles County the opportunity to expand offerings and support entrepreneurs, small businesses and remote workers of all ages to further the economic growth in our area. Makeshift features 24/7 digital access, fiber optic broadband, high and low workstations, 8 private microspaces, training and meeting space by digital reservation, copy center, break area and a phone booth for private calls. The location is within walking distance to the newly-established University of Tennessee Southern, which is a major player with our training and development programming. Makeshift is available to rent for events, whether you're a member of our space or not!

Available Workspaces

Event Space
Open Desk Coworking
Training Space
Dedicated Desk
Board Room
Meeting Space

Want to reserve space at this property?

Reach out now for details on services and availability.


Caffeine zone

Complimentary coffee & tea


High-speed wifi







Privacy booths

Window view

Food & Bev

Free water

Hours of Operation

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sunday, Saturday: Closed

Getting Around

  • Walk Score ®

    74/100 Very Walkable
  • Bike Score ®

    39/100 Somewhat Bikeable
Powered by Walk Score ®


  • City Pulaski, TN
  • Neighborhood Pulaski
  • Zip Code 38478

Points of Interest

  • BP

    9.22 miles

  • Shell

    9.24 miles

  • Sonic

    0.25 miles

  • Picnic Area

    0.27 miles

  • Domino's Pizza

    0.45 miles

  • Outdoor Amphitheater

    0.46 miles

  • McDonald's

    0.59 miles

  • Yamato

    0.64 miles

  • Taco Bell

    1.64 miles

  • Sarge's Shack

    9.31 miles

  • Martin College

    0.24 miles

  • West Hill School

    0.42 miles

  • Giles County High School

    0.77 miles

  • Pulaski Elementary School

    0.79 miles

  • Bridgeforth Middle School

    0.88 miles

  • Pulaski Area Vocational Technical School

    1.43 miles

  • Maclin School

    4.19 miles

  • New Zion School

    4.49 miles

  • Woodlawn School

    5.32 miles

  • Glendale School

    5.74 miles

  • Pulaski Elementary Kindergarden

    0.74 miles


How would you rate this office space?

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does coworking space cost at MakeShift MakeShift?

You will find the price varies depending on what membership option you choose out of the ones that are currently available.

What coworking memberships does MakeShift MakeShift offer?

Workspace and membership options currently available here include: Event Space; Open Desk Coworking; Training Space; Dedicated Desk and Board Room. You can contact MakeShift MakeShift to find out more about occupant capacity, upcoming availabilities or other opportunities.

What amenities are available at MakeShift MakeShift?

Here, you will find some of the most appreciated coworking space amenities in the city, such as Complimentary coffee & tea, Free water, High-speed wifi. What sets MakeShift MakeShift apart from most of the local coworking spaces is Window view and TV/Monitor. It is important to know what amenities are a must for you to be productive, as well as which amenities would be a “nice to have access to,” so that you can also be comfortable during your work time. Check the listing page for details on what this coworking space offers in terms of practical work needs, workspace types, services, and perks. For any additional information on amenities or regarding aspects like noise level, dress code, and community characteristics, contact the coworking community for more details, to book a test day membership, or set up a visit.

Is MakeShift MakeShift located in a good area?

MakeShift MakeShift is located at 110 North 2nd Street in the Pulaski neighborhood , in zip code 38478. The location description details on this page will give you an idea of what essential amenities you can find nearby, as well as how the location is rated in terms of walkability, bike-friendly infrastructure, or public transit. See how close you can find the nearest public transportation stop, whether there are parking facilities in the area, restaurants or other dining establishments, as well as hotels, motels, or other accommodation. If you are a working parent looking for coworking space with convenient access to childcare, you can also find more information on whether there are options in the area, as well as how far or near they are located.

If you are driving here, you should know the property does have parking as a common area amenity. Other amenities within 1 mile of this location include 1 childcare options(s), 5 educational institutions, 6 restaurants or other dining establishment(s).


Amanda McGowan
